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We know that we are strongest when we work together. We need to build a national movement for proportional representation so that MPs know Canadians care about making every vote count. 

Help us spread the word!

Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to help fund the Vote Better campaign?

Democracy Heroes Canvassing Toolkit
This toolkit contains everything you need to take action in your community and pressure your MP to be a #DemocracyHero and vote to get electoral reform back on the table.  
March 30, 2017
Help Us Bring ER Back
The Liberals have announced that they will not be following through on their election promise to replace our broken first-past-the-post electoral system. But we aren't giving up. Read on for updates on how you can help #BringERBack.
February 8, 2017
Voting Systems Part 4: Rural-Urban Proportional
Over the last few weeks, there has been another system floated by our friends at Fair Vote Canada in response to a similar suggestion by former Chief Electoral Officer Jean-Pierre Kingsley. The model that Fair Vote is proposing is called ‘Rural-Urban Proportional’. This is how it works:
September 28, 2016
Pros and Cons of Lowering the Voting Age to 16
To prepare for our presentation to the voting reform committee on August 30th, we asked our community what they thought about online voting, mandatory voting and lowering the voting age. Here are the pros and cons of lowering the voting age that we provided in the survey.
August 23, 2016
Pros and Cons of Online Voting
To prepare for our presentation to the voting reform committee on August 30th, we asked our community what they thought about online voting, mandatory voting and lowering the voting age. Here are the pros and cons of online voting that we provided in the survey.
August 23, 2016
Pros and Cons of Mandatory Voting
To prepare for our presentation to the voting reform committee on August 30th, we asked our community what they thought about online voting, mandatory voting and lowering the voting age. Here are the pros and cons of mandatory voting that we provided in the survey.
August 22, 2016
Guide to Town Halls
Over the next few months, MPs as well as a special all-party committee are consulting communities on voting reform. This resource breaks down everything you need to know to attend a local consultation.
August 12, 2016
Voting Systems Part 3: Proportional Representation
Proportional representation (PR) is any voting system designed to produce a legislature in which each party’s proportion of seats closely reflects the proportion of the vote received by the party. But how do some of the specific PR systems actually work? 
July 21, 2016
Voting Systems Part 2: Alternative Vote
We've already done an overview of the voting system we current use in Canda: first-past-the-post. This week we're covering another type of voting system known as Alternative Vote.
July 21, 2016
Mythbusting Proportional Representation
There's a lot of misinformation about proportional representation out there - we're here to help dispel some of those myths. 
July 12, 2016